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Thursday 5 January 2017

Read this Sad story ‘My pastor says he must sleep with me to have a baby’

I first got married to Benson when I was 20 and the marriage lasted for six years before my husband’s family forced me out of the house because I could not bear a child.
I cried my eyes out and blamed God so much for my predicament. I went to several hospitals, conducted tests, went to see spiritualists and spent so much money on assignments with all of them assuring me that I would soon have my own child but all were to no avail.
Before I got married the second time, I had told my new husband, Steve, what I was going through and he assured me that he would stick by me no matter what.
But it was just a matter of time before Steve got fed up with my situation and began frustrating me. Instead of telling me he was done with me, he just went away from the house and for six months, was nowhere to be found only for him to come back one day with a vehicle and packed all his property.
He told me he had gotten married to a woman who would give him children and that I was free to move on with my life.
This was another moment of tears for me as I was once again, a divorced woman due to my inability to have a child.
I continued seeking the face of God and two years later, I met Edem who promised me heaven and earth if only I would be his wife.
Knowing that I could not have a biological child of my own, I told Edem I could not marry him but he made me understand that having children was not the reason he wanted me to be his wife.
But just two years after we got married, he is now a changed man. Edem has been making life a hell for me, bringing home several women and when I complain, he would tell me that since I am equally a man, I should not complain if he wants a woman who will have his children.
I was so devastated and I had to run to a spiritual church close to my area where I told the prophet my problems.
The man gave me some assignments and days of dry fasting to observe and at the end of it, he told me that he has a revelation that he is the only man who can get me pregnant.
I don’t know if such a revelation is from God or the prophet just wants to take advantage of me but I am desperately in need of a child to stay in my husband’s house.
Princess.” Dear readers, this is another pathetic story from Princess and on Morning Teaser today, we want you to advise her on what she should do.

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