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Saturday 17 December 2016

Arsenal set to change Aserne Wenger.

Sooner or later, Arsenal will have to embrace the thought of a future without Arsene Wenger as the veteran Frenchman nears the end of an illustrious coaching career that has seen him win trophies in three different countries.
Finding the right replacement, when the time comes, will be crucial to ensure the Gunners remain competitive at the highest level, and 22,383 Arsenal fans have made their voice heard in a 90min poll as to who they think it should be.

Signs and symptoms of hiv

Some people may experience a flu-like illness within 2-4 weeks after HIV infection. But some people may not feel sick during this stage.
Flu-like symptoms can include:
Night sweats
Muscle aches
Sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes
Mouth ulcers
These symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. During this time, HIV infection may not show up on an HIV test, but people who have it are highly infectious and can spread the infection to others.
You should not assume you have HIV just because you have any of these symptoms. Each of these symptoms can be caused by other illnesses. And some people who have HIV do not show any symptoms at all for 10 years or more.
If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, get an HIV test. Most HIV tests detect antibodies (proteins your body makes as a reaction against the presence of HIV), not HIV itself. But it takes a few weeks for your body to produce these antibodies, so if you test too early, you might not get an accurate test result. A new HIV test is available that can detect HIV directly during this early stage of infection. So be sure to let your testing site know if you think you may have been recently infected with HIV.
After you get tested, it’s important to find out the result of your test so you can talk to your health care provider about treatment options if you’re HIV-positive or learn ways to prevent getting HIV if you’re HIV-negative.
You are at high risk of transmitting HIV to others during the early stage of HIV infection, even if you have no symptoms. For this reason, it is very important to take steps to reduce your risk of transmission .
After the early stage of HIV infection, the disease moves into a stage called the clinical latency stage (also called “chronic HIV infection”). During this stage, HIV is still active but reproduces at very low levels. People with chronic HIV infection may not have any HIV-related symptoms, or only mild ones.
For people who aren’t taking medicine to treat HIV (called antiretroviral therapy or ART), this period can last a decade or longer, but some may progress through this phase faster. People who are taking medicine to treat HIV the right way, every day may be in this stage for several decades because treatment helps keep the virus in check. (Read more about HIV treatment .)
It’s important to remember that people can still transmit HIV to others during this phase even if they have no symptoms, although people who are on ART and stay virally suppressed (having a very low level of virus in their blood) are much less likely to transmit HIV than those who are not virally suppressed.
If you have HIV and you are not on ART, eventually the virus will weaken your body’s immune system and you will progress to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), the late stage of HIV infection.
Symptoms can include:
Rapid weight loss
Recurring fever or profuse night sweats
Extreme and unexplained tiredness
Prolonged swelling of the lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck
Diarrhea that lasts for more than a week
Sores of the mouth, anus, or genitals
Red, brown, pink, or purplish blotches on or under the skin or inside the mouth, nose, or eyelids
Memory loss, depression, and other neurologic disorders.
Each of these symptoms can also be related to other illnesses. So the only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested.
Many of the severe symptoms and illnesses of HIV disease come from the
opportunistic infections that occur because your body’s immune system has been damaged. (Read more about
opportunistic infections .)

Ways to know if he really loves you

Ways to know if he truely loves you.

Ways to know if he truely loves you.

Here are the seven tests of true love. If you’re asking yourself, “Does he love me?” see how your relationship measures up first.

1. Does he ALWAYS treat you with respect?
If his respect for you is inconsistent or only occurs sparingly, your relationship cannot flourish. In love, you cannot pick and choose the time and place to be kind, considerate, and respectful. Being considerate and respectful one day and rude and inconsiderate the next is not an option. Your partner either is all of these things or he is not. It’s really that simple.
2. Do his actions match his words?
We all know the axiom “actions speak louder than words.” To know if he really loves you, you only need to observe his behavior. Does he talk to you with affection, care, and respect, but then bumps you out of the way when you order lunch or dinner? Does he tell you how much he loves you, but ignores you completely when you tell him what you would like to do that day?
The truth is, actions really do speak louder than words! Never fool yourself into thinking that his actions don’t matter. Put simply, he IS what he does. Ignore this notion at your peril, because it is actually the best test of whether he is capable of really loving you.
3. Are you an equal partner?
When someone really loves you, they treat you as an equal partner — as a person with an equal voice (and equal value) in your relationship. If he makes all of the significant decisions in your relationship and expects you to follow his directives as a second-class citizen, then he does NOT really love you. In a successful marriage, both partners share equally in the relationship.
4. Can you trust him with your life and sacred honor?
Can you honestly say, “I trust him more that life itself”? Is your trust in him unequivocal and honestly without hesitation? Bottom line: one of the underlying qualities of a great marriage is complete trust in each other. If you don’t trust your man without question, then you really need to reconsider any long-term relationship with him.
5. Does he tell you he loves you?
Does he declare his love and adoration for you often and without prodding? Does his love for you come naturally and consistently? When you love someone, you tell them. And don’t fall for that old line that goes like this: “I don’t need to tell her I love her because she knows.” This notion is just plain wrong! You need to hear it (we all do). If he doesn’t tell you that he loves you, then your relationship has a problem.
6. Can he imagine life without you?
When you are in love, you cannot imagine life without the one you love! So try this question on him: “Honey, do you love me more than life itself? Can you imagine life without me?” If his answers make you wonder about the depth of his commitment to you, he doesn’t truly love you.
One thing we know for sure is that someone in love cannot envision a life without their someone special. If your guy suggests otherwise, he is not the man you should commit your life to.
7. Is he ALWAYS there for you?

For people that has lost hope , MMM has not crashed this is what happened.

Mmm Nigeria

As anxieties continue to mount over the suspension of the popular Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox, MMM, by its administrators; promoters, consultants and subscribers have assured both the participants and prospective participants that there is no better time to make more money than now.
Some of those who spoke to Saturday Vanguard maintained that the fear of the scheme crashing was misplaced, adding that other activities such as pledging to get help and registering for providing help were ongoing.
An unofficial consultant, analyst and participant in the scheme, Osa Amadi said despite the misconception of the suspension, it is the best time time to make money as all it is required is to pledge to give help of a certain amount of money while the money remains in the pocket pending the lifting of the suspension and maturity date.
According to him, “the fear of MMM crashing is misplaced. I know a lot of people were stampeded into withdrawing their money from the scheme, just like it happens in the conventional banks when there are rumors of distress and people begin to lose confidence. So, the MMM administrators got wind of that fears and moved to stem the impending catastrophe. So, they stopped withdrawal, while all other activities of the scheme are still going on such as the Mavrod growth. As at today, December 15, 2016, people are still getting orders to be matched with participants. By January, the scheme will open up fully and people will start receiving money again. There is no better time to make money in MMM than now.
He explained that: “if you offer to provide help, nobody will receive your money now based on the suspension of withdrawal. Your money will stay in your pocket for 30 days which is incidentally the maturity period in MMM. So, while your money is still in your pocket, it has matured for interest. The day you will be paying, the following day you will be collecting. Unlike before your money will have to be in the system for three weeks or more before you withdraw. It is a rare opportunity and experienced brokers like me will know that there is no better time to make money than now.”
The problem was caused by the panic and remember that people are going on holidays, so everybody wanted their money for the Yuletide, and there was this mass withdrawal and the administrators had to stop the trend.
He maintained that some top members of the scheme who are called Guiders have been directed to pump money into the scheme in order to respond promptly to any shortfall in withdrawal request so as to keep the scheme going. “The Guiders are the leaders in MMM and they have received matching orders to move fund into the scheme. They are the highly rich participants in MMM. So, with this order, there will be excess fund to pay people in January.
A participant in the scheme, who does not want his name in print said: “Don’t panic, it’s all for good. Recently, MMM started a promo called holiday bonus in which they were giving 20% extra on top of the 30%. They instructed that the bonus would only go for new money not money that is already in the system. But participants as stubborn as they are wanted to withdraw money from the system and reinvest it to get the holiday bonus. If this was allowed, the withdrawal level will rise so high that it will surpass the donation level and finally crash the system. The bonus was meant for new money not old money in the MMM system already.
“Remember, PH still continues only that people will be matched by January. Their Mavro will be growing but it won’t be matched till January when GH starts. If this measure wasn’t taken, MMM would have crashed last week. So, as the case is now, money will keep growing till January. Please don’t panic, MMM did this to ensure that the system is sustained and that it doesn’t crash.
A promoter known in the scheme as a Guider, who is believed to have benefited immensely from the scheme rationalised the move on the social media saying that it was meant to strengthen the scheme for continuity.
“I want to say that this new message that seems to be causing panic out there in the hearts of all MMM participants, does not say that nobody will be able to Get Help, GH until January, instead the message is saying that you will not be able to GH until after 30days that you actually made the payment of your PH and the recipient confirms. Meaning that your money must actually spend minimum of 30days outside. So, for example, if you are Providing Help PH of 100K on 5th November, and you are matched to pay on 10th November, assuming that you made the payment but the recipient does not confirm your order until 15th November when he finally confirms receipt of your payment, from that instant (15th November), your Mavros will change status to “confirmed” ( irrespective of colour Blue or Green ), so you will only be able to request for help (GH) on that particular 100k + 30% growth as from 15th December. It is not that you can’t GH before January.

What mmm did to this young man


8 Get-Your-Body-Back Moves for New Moms

Getting your body back after having a baby is not as hard as you might think.
Research shows that starting a regular
exercise program soon after giving birth is not only good for your overall health, but may also help reduce the risk of
postpartum depression .
Every pregnancy and delivery are different, so check with your doctor before engaging in any workout program after giving birth. If you experience any heavy bleeding, excessive soreness,
headaches, or other unusual symptoms during or right after exercising , stop immediately and call your doctor for advice.
Here are some moves that will help you get your body ready for regular exercise.
1. Walking
Why It’s Good For You: It may not sound like much of a workout, but walking is one of the simplest ways to ease into a fitness routine after giving birth.
How It’s Done: Start with an easy stroll. Eventually you’ll work your way up to a pumped-up power walk. But a gentle walk can still do wonders for you and your body, especially in the beginning. Bringing baby along in a front pack will add extra weight that can increase the benefits.
For a variation, try walking backward or walking in a zigzag pattern to help keep your muscles guessing. You should not include baby in this activity until you've mastered it and are certain of your balance.
2. Deep Belly Breathing With Abdominal Contraction
Why It’s Good for You: This exercise is so easy you can do it an hour after giving birth. It helps relax muscles, and it starts the process of strengthening and toning your abs and belly.
How It’s Done: Sit upright and breathe deeply, drawing air from the diaphragm upward. Contract and hold your abs tight while inhaling and relax while exhaling. Gradually increase the amount of time you can contract and hold your abs.
3. Head Lifts, Shoulder Lifts, and Curl-Ups
Why They’re Good For You: These three movements help strengthen back muscles. They also tone the tummy and abs and burn calories.
How They’re Done:
Head lifts: Lie on your back with your arms along your sides. Keeping your lower back flush to the floor, bend your
knees with your feet flat on the floor. Relax your belly as you inhale. As you exhale, slowly lift your head and neck off the floor. Inhale as you lower your head back down.
Shoulder lifts: When you can do 10 head lifts with ease, try this move. Get in the same position you did for head lifts. Inhale and relax your belly. As you exhale, raise your head and your shoulders off the floor, reaching your arms and hands toward your knees .
If this strains your neck, fold both hands behind your head, but don’t pull on your neck. Inhale as you lower your head and shoulders back down.
Curl-ups: When you can do 10 shoulder lifts, move on to this. Start in the same position on the floor. Lift your torso until it's about halfway between your knees and the floor behind you. Reach toward your knees and hold for 2 to 5 seconds. Then, slowly lower yourself down.
Don't forget to breathe. Exhale when you exert. Inhale when you relax.
4. Kneeling Pelvic Tilt
Why It’s Good for You: This aaahh-
inspiring exercise helps tone your tummy. Strengthening your abs can also relieve back pain .
How It’s Done: Start on all fours, toes touching the floor behind you, arms straight down from your shoulder line, palms touching the floor. Your back should be relaxed and straight, not curved or arched. As you inhale, pull your buttocks forward, tilting your pelvis and rotating your pubic bone upward. Hold for a count of three, and release.
5. Kegels
Why They’re Good for You: This classic exercise will help you tone bladder muscles and help reduce risks of
incontinence associated with childbirth. The more kegels you do, and the longer you hold them, the better control you will have over those leaks caused by
sneezing, laughing, or picking up your baby.
How They’re Done: Your goal is to contract and hold the muscles that control the flow of urine. To get which muscles they are, start by doing the exercise while you use the bathroom. As you urinate, manipulate your muscles until the stream temporarily stops. Then release and let the urine flow. Remember what that feels like, and when you're not urinating, contract, hold, and release those same muscles. Try to do this 10 times per session, three times a day.
6. Bonus Workouts for Baby and Mom
It can be hard to find time away from your baby in the early months, so try these exercises that you can do with your infant . Take caution when completing them. You may want to practice first using a doll or a rolled-up blanket or towel that's the same size as your baby. Do the moves full-out only when you’re certain there’s no danger of dropping your baby. Make sure you're fit enough, and have a good enough sense of balance, to assure your and your baby's safety.
The baby glider: Holding your baby close to your chest, do a forward lunge with your left leg (take a big step forward and bend your knee). Don’t let your toes go past your knee. Then return to starting position and lunge with the opposite leg. This will help strengthen your legs, back muscles, and core. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.
The baby bouncer: This move is similar to the baby glider, but instead of forward lunges, do side lunges -- stepping to the side instead of to the front -- and do a squat. Reach back with your behind as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your knees over your ankles . Repeat 8-10 times to each side.
Rock-a-baby squats and curls: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Holding your baby tight and close to your chest, squat down, allowing your baby's feet to touch the floor. As you rise up, bring the baby closer to your chest. Repeat 15 times. Note: You should do this exercise only when your baby

A woman has given birth in London after doctors restored her fertility using frozen ovarian tissue removed when she was a young child.

The 24-year-old is thought to be the first in the world to have a baby after having an ovary frozen before the onset of puberty.
Moaza Al Matrooshi, whose son was delivered at the privately-run Portland Hospital yesterday, told the BBC: "It's like a miracle.
"We've been waiting so long for this result - a healthy baby."
Her doctor, Sara Matthews, a consultant in gynaecology and fertility, said she was overjoyed for the family - and delighted by the hope it offered to others too.
"This is a huge step forward. We know that ovarian tissue transplantation works for older women, but we've never known if we could take tissue from a child, freeze it and make it work again."
Doctors say it will give hope to many other girls and young women who risk losing the chance of motherhood as a result of treatment for cancer, blood or immune disorders.
Frozen for the future
Moaza Al Matrooshi, who is from Dubai, was born with beta thalassaemia, an inherited blood disorder that is fatal if untreated.
She needed chemotherapy, which damages the ovaries, before receiving a bone marrow transplant from her brother at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.
So, prior to treatment, when she was nine years old, she had her right ovary removed in an operation in Leeds, where the tissue was frozen.
Fragments of her ovarian tissue were mixed with cryo-protective agents and slowly reduced in temperature to minus 196C, before being stored under liquid nitrogen.
Last year, surgeons in Denmark transplanted five slivers of the ovarian tissue back into her body - four were stitched on to her failed left ovary and one on to the side of her uterus.
Moaza had been going through the menopause. But after the transplant, her hormone levels began returning to normal, she began ovulating and her fertility was restored.
In order to maximise the chances of having a child, Moaza and her husband Ahmed underwent IVF treatment.
From the eight eggs that were collected, three embryos were produced, two of which were implanted earlier this year.
Moaza said: "I always believed that I would be a mum and that I would have a baby.
"I didn't stop hoping and now I have this baby - it is a perfect feeling."
She also thanked her mother, whose idea it was to save her young daughter's ovarian tissue so that she might be able to have a family in the future.
Dr Sara Matthews, who conducted the fertility treatment, said: "Within three months of re-implanting her ovarian tissue, Moaza went from being menopausal to having regular periods again.
"She basically became a normal woman in her 20s with normal ovary function."
Prof Helen Picton, who leads the division of reproduction and early development at the University of Leeds, carried out the ovary freezing.
She told me: "This is incredibly encouraging. Moaza is a pioneer and was one of the first patients we helped back in 2001, before any baby had been born from ovary tissue preservation.
"Worldwide more than 60 babies have been born from women who had their fertility restored, but Moaza is the first case from pre-pubertal freezing and the first from a patient who had treatment for beta thalassaemia."
Researchers in Leeds have been at the forefront of ovarian tissue freezing.
In 1999 scientists from Leeds were instrumental in performing the world's first transplant of frozen ovarian tissue.
Prof Picton said that in Europe alone, several thousand girls and young women now had frozen ovarian tissue in storage.
This is usually done prior to patients receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatment, both of which damage fertility.
Moaza still has one embryo in storage as well as two remaining pieces of ovarian tissue.
She told me she definitely plans to have another baby in the future.
Earlier this year a cancer patient from Edinburgh became the first UK woman to give birth following a transplant of her frozen ovary tissue.
The mother, who conceived naturally, wished to remain anonymous.
Last year a woman in Belgium gave birth using ovarian tissue frozen when she was 13.
Unlike Moaza, she had begun going through puberty when her ovary was removed.
The first woman in the world to give birth following the transplantation of her own ovarian tissue was in Belgium in 2004.

Is Cristiano Ronaldo as tall as you think?

Have you guys noticed that Cristiano Ronaldo always stands on his tippy toes during team photos?

The footballer who is 6.1 ft tall was pictured standing on his tip toes during Real Madrid’s team photo taken before the win over Club America in Japan on Thursday in the ongoing FIFA Club World Cup.
This isn’t the first time the World’s most famous athlete is pictured standing on the tip of his toes, during photos.
Even old pictures of him as far back as 2002 in one of his first clubs (Sporting Lisbon) in Portugal, shows him standing this way during team photos and that leaves one wondering why he does that.
Why do you think he does this? See more photos showing him standing the same way below..

Exercise can boosts sperm count

Doing at least half an hour of exercise three times a week may boost men's sperm count, say scientists.

Men who took up running and stuck with it had more "healthy swimmers", according to the research in the journal Reproduction.
The boost was only temporary, and began to wane within a month if the men stopped their treadmill training.

Experts say it is important to strike the right balance because too much exercise can harm sperm production.
Studies have shown that participation in competitive sports, like cycling, can lower sperm quality.
Sperm boosters
Keep your testicles cool - avoid tight underwear and hot baths
Avoid sexually transmitted infections
Stop smoking
Cut down on alcohol
Stay slim
Get some exercise, but not too much!
All of the 261 men enrolled in the recent trial were healthy and did not have any fertility problems as far as they could tell. They had normal sperm counts and healthy-looking sperm and led fairly sedentary lives.
The men were allocated to one of four programmes:
no exercise
three sessions a week of high intensity interval training (10 one-minute bursts of very fast running with a short recovery period between each bout)
three sessions a week of moderate exercise (30 minutes on a treadmill)
three sessions a week of intense exercise (about an hour on a treadmill)
Exercise training appeared to boost sperm quantity and quality, with moderate exercise coming top.
Men in all three exercise groups lost weight and saw improvements in their sperm test results compared with the men who did no exercise over the 24-week trial period.
The researchers say at least part of the benefit may come from shedding excess weight - all three exercise groups lost some body fat.
Experts already know obesity can lower a man's fertility. A third of the men in each study group were overweight.
Fertility aid?
What is not clear is whether the boost from exercise translates to better fertility. That is something the researchers plan to explore in the lab by checking if training-induced changes affect the fertilising potential of sperm.
Lead researcher Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki said: "Our results show that doing exercise can be a simple, cheap and effective strategy for improving sperm quality in sedentary men.
"However, it's important to acknowledge that the reason some men can't have children isn't just based on their sperm count. Male infertility problems can be complex and changing lifestyles might not solve these cases easily."
Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield and spokesman for the British Fertility Society, said: "We have a very poor understanding of how physical exercise affects male fertility and sperm quality, but it is a question commonly asked by men wishing to improve their chances of having a child."
He said there probably was a level of exercise that is optimum for male fertility, but recommended that men check with their GP before embarking on anything too strenuous.
UK guidelines recommend that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as cycling or fast walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running, every week.