A 27-year-old woman, Mrs. Faith Ifeoma Ojiaku, whose husband stabbed her in her vagina with a broken bottle, has spoken out to tell her own side of the story.
Her husband, Victor Ojiaku, 37, had stabbed his wife, a student, with a broken bottle in her private part, claiming he suspected she was having a sexual relationship with his sales representative.
But the victim, who was held hostage by her husband for two days, depriving her of calling any family member for help or receiving medical attention wrote on her Facebook page, saying: “This is unacceptable. This is my Ifeoma Okeke Ojiakor story. Saddest Christmas ever!!!
“Lying down in pains on my hospital bed, I’m writing this with tears flowing my eyes. I could remember on the 24th night I made a post on facebook sending out special greetings to everyone with d hope of having a merry Christmas with family,friends, and loved ones.
“My husband by name Mr Victor Ojiakor was always fond of hitting me at any slightest provocation and this issue has been resolved at so many police stations.
“Whenever I report d beating escapades they wud settle us at the police station and he wud be asked to sign undertaking never to hit me anymore.
“He has even hit me at his village in d presence of his mother and father then reason being that he accused me of having an affair with his brother.
“His parents settled it after which he promised never to hit me again we reconciled mostly because of the kids.
“After we returned back to Lagos he hit me again while I was pregnant for our third child that I began to bleed. I was rushed to the hospital by neighbours before my mum was called to d hospital.
“The case was reported at the ministry of women affairs at alausa ikeja where he was invited and there promised never to repeat such again
“Now the height of this happened on d 25th of December he came back home at about 6.30pm and started accusing me of sleeping with his boy (a 16yr old boy…can you imagine?).
“He didn’t even wait for me to say a word he pounced on me and started beating me up with sticks, machete, bottle,e.t.c.
“He said he was going to kill me and nothing would happen ..he also stabbed the said boy with a machete don’t knw d boy’s where about now…after beating me up for a sin I didn’t commit he locked me up and held me hostage seizing my phone for 2 days.
“Nobody knw wat was happening to me I collapsed honestly I taught I would never survive this..I just kept pleading with him each passing day to pls tk me to the hospital before I die he refused telling me that he wanted to render me useless I jst kept crying until I told him to tk me to a pastor that was when he pushed me into his car n drove me to a place it was there that I pleaded with d prophetess to help me.
“The prophetess on seeing my condition then adviced him to take me to d hospital for immediate treatment that was how I was taken to d hospital on getting there I pleaded with d doctor to use her phone to call my sister who in turn informed my mum and they started rushing to the hospital.
“At d hospital immediately he sensed that I might have reached my family he started dragging me, removed d drip from my hand I was crying out for help immediately my mum entered d hospital he ran away.
“At the moment I am in my mums place with my 3 kids. ..2 boys and a 3months old baby girl…
“The matter was charged to court and he was granted bail of 250,000naira…while I am left to wallow in pains for no offense I committed all because I married a heartless man and was enduring all these because of my kids and the society who kept telling me to forgive that he is my husband and he would change.
“Look at my life now! How I wish I left this marriage since!Happy new year everyone,” she added.
Monday, 2 January 2017
Read the story of the Lady whose private part stabbed with broken bottle by husband
See!!! 4 ways women control men
Women are excellent at getting shit done. And one of the most effective ways that we’ve learned to accomplish our goals is by manipulating men into doing what we need them to do. If you want to appreciate the full strategic power of the female will, here are 4 ways that women subtly control men without the men ever realizing it…
1. Women treat men like children.
Do men sometimes act like children? Totally. But that doesn’t mean that women should reinforce that behavior by pandering to it. When a woman reacts to a grown man like he’s a seven year old, she might feel frustrated, but, in reality, she’s trying to force his hand or force the outcome that she wants.
If a woman can’t trust her man enough to let him do the grocery shopping or fold the laundry, it’s not that he CAN’T do it. (He’s a grown-up. He can.) She just wants those tasks done EXACTLY how she wants.
So rather than just leaving him to his own devices, she steps in, which, ultimately, makes more work for her and reinforces the guy’s suspicions that he can’t even accomplish basic tasks on his own.
The woman controls the situation, but prevents it from ever improving. It’s a vicious circle. Women need to realize that four of the most controlling words we can say are “I’ll just do it.”
2. Women get QUIET.
Women are ninja masters at this. If a man is frustrated and wants you to do something, normally, he’s going to just come out and say it. He might yell, he might whine, but, however he does it, men often have a hard time keeping their inner desires INSIDE. They want them to be expressed so they express them in the bluntest way possible.
Women, on the other hand, take a different — and probably WAY more effective — approach. We go silent. We stop talking. We get distant.
Women will often justify those cold silences by saying “I needed some time” or “I was processing things,” but, by refusing to engage, it leaves our men thinking “WHAT? What did I do?”
Those silences can get so uncomfortable that men quickly will do almost anything to end them. “Do you want me to admit I’m wrong? Change my shirt? Start going to the gym more? SAY SOMETHING!”
By refusing to express what we want, women make men almost desperate to comply with our wishes, if it will only mean that the silent treatment will end. It involves next to no talking and it’s staggeringly effective.
3. Women flatter men.
Flattery is a useful tool to control most people, but it works particularly well on men. It appeals to two separate but powerful aspects of being a man — that men are raised with the (unrealistic) expectation that they can do anything AND that men are rarely complimented (beyond a stoic “Good job”).
But a woman’s flattery overwhelms both of those conditions with pandering and praise. “Honey, I’m not good with technology, can you figure out this remote for me?” “Babe, can you load up the car for me? The suitcases are so heavy and you’re so good at getting everything in there!”
Granted, some of those compliments might be genuine, but it is still a form of control. The woman wants something accomplished, so she lavishes her man with praise, letting him know that he’s the BEST at doing whatever she wants done.
It’s probably not true. (She’s a grown woman. She can figure out a remote.) But the flattery is a proven way to get the man to do what she wants, so why not use it?
4. Women compare men to other men
This kind of control technique is frequently used in parenting, but it’s actually much more effective when the involved parties are older. It’s the classic “look at that nice boy” strategy. A parent might use it to shame their teenager into working harder at home or academically.
“Look at Linda’s son, he has a 4.0 grade point average and works at the nursing home after-school every day!”
The grown-up version of this occurs when a woman is unsatisfied with some aspect of the man in her life, so she openly starts making unflattering comparisons between her guy and other men in their lives.
“Bill just got a promotion… Roger is building that whole addition by himself… Rick goes to the gym 5 times a week and he loves it, never complains…”
Statements like that not only shame her man into action, but they also prey on the man’s ego. Because it’s not just simple nagging. It’s saying “this other man is CLEARLY superior to you.” That can kill a man’s sense of self-worth and drive him to fight backagainst the comparison.
These techniques are undeniably effective, but they beg the question — Is it worth manipulating and toying with a man’s ego just to get him to take his shoes off when he comes in the house?
Because being controlling isn’t always a good thing. Women need to realize that “with great power comes great responsibility” and, when possible, we should try to be open and direct with our men. Treat them like equal partners and see if you can compromise to get what you want from them.
And if that doesn’t work… control away. (He won’t even know it’s happening.)
How true is it? Comment
See why!!! PEP plans to retire after Man u contract.
Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola has shocked the football world following his disclosure that he will likely retire from coaching after three years at Manchester.
The Spaniard, considered by many as the best Manager in world football has enjoyed tremendous success with Barcelona as well as Bayern Munich. He will be hoping to win silverware in the Premier League as his team struggle to match the rich vein of form they hit at the start of the season.
On Monday, Manchester City needed to dig deep to beat Burnley 2-1 and they had to do it with ten men after midfielder, Fernandinho was sent off for a two-footed challenge.
He told NBC sports, “Of course when we win, I am so happy, I am so satisfied,” Guardiola said. “And I drink a good glass of wine and enjoy.
“But what I like is to imagine the next step can be better. If not, I will not be here.
“In the moment, I will feel — and I am a little bit in that process — I feel that the end of my career, I will be…. I will not be training in the 60 and 65 years old, so…. No, no, no, no.
Ladies see!!! 5 things that will happen to you when you stop having sex
When you stop making love : It’s true what they say: If you don’t use it, you lose it. Sex is good for our body in ways we can’t even imagine. From better sleep, to a stronger immune system, to burning calories and boosting our mood, getting some is good in many ways. Of course, that also means that NOT having sex is pretty bad for us. All the benefits of sex are LOST when we start to lose out on orgasms.
That’s not to say that it’s wrong to take a sex break now and then. Life gets in the way, or we may be between relationships and it’s just not part of our daily life equation. Or we’re maybe just not in the mood.
Whether we’re not feeling our best or are under a lot of of stress, sex sometimes just stops happening. And that’s more than OK — we just need to accept that our bodies are going to respond and react in a major way.
And the part of the body that suffers most? Our vaginas, of course. Brain games keep your mind agile, cardio workouts build your heart health, weight training makes your muscles strong, and sex keeps your vagina in tiptop shape.
“Your vagina is a use it or lose it organ. Stimulation brings oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to the vagina and vulva, which helps to keep the tissue supple, elastic, and lubricated. If you’re not having regular sex with a partner, it’s essential keep your vagina happy and healthy with masturbation. Self-pleasure brings all these benefits,” says Tristan Weedmark of We-Vibe.
Below, we’re sharing all the ways our vaginas lose out when we stop having regular sex.
1. It doesn’t get tighter— that’s a myth!
Taking a break from sex doesn’t tone the pelvic floor, “tighten” the vagina, or cause the hymento reappear.
“If it feels as though your vagina is tighter after you’ve taken a hiatus from sex, it may be more related to tension or a lack of comfort/arousal. If you’re a little nervous diving back in, take your time, use lube, and wait until your arousal levels are high before sliding anything inside,” says Dr. Jess, Astroglide’s resident sexologist.
2. It may take you longer to reach orgasm.
“When my clients take a break, they sometimes experience a little delay getting back into the groove. In most cases, this is related to their fear of ‘letting go.’ Since part of the brain (thelateral orbitofrontal cortex) shuts down during orgasmic response, the willingness to surrender to sexual sensations is necessary to orgasm in most cases,” says Dr. Jess.
This doesn’t mean that taking a break from sex is a bad idea, but simply that you may have toreacquaint your body with orgasmic sensations when/if you decide to resume sexual activity. This, of course, can be part of the fun!
3. Your sexual response changes.
If you’re taking a break from all types of sex (e.g. masturbation and vibrators), you might see a temporary change in sexual response when you resume sexual activities.
“Research shows that those who recently used a vibrator scored higher on the female sexual function index (FSFI) which includes desire, interest, lubrication, arousal, satisfaction and orgasm. This correlation suggests that it’s possible that changes to your sexual habits could (temporarily) impact sexual functioning. I want to emphasize that this doesn’t mean that you should avoid taking a break from sex, but simply that you should get comfortable with the various changes you’ll experience,” says Dr. Jess.
4. It gets a little smaller.
That’s why women complain of painful sex once they start again, says Dr. Drai, an OBGYN and women’s health expert. Anxiety plays a role in this, too. Make sure your partner employsforeplay before having sex, which will help loosen you.
5. It will become dry.
Sexual arousal helps the vagina get wet. Since lack of sex leads to less lubrication, ensure that you’re warmed up before getting sex.
Read my story!!! I never knew i was dating a prostitude
This lady was introduced to me last year December and we started as friends, we seldomly contact each other and we’re not really into each other but all of a sudden things took a different turn and we became best of friends, always online updating each other how the day is going. I work with a filling station while she works as a hotel receptionist and we’re in our late 20s, perfect age to start a family. She always ask questions on when I will be ready to have my family and I always tell her to be patient with me to at least get a better job that matches my B.Sc qualification or at least raise a seizable amount to start my personal business (Diesel Supply to Corporate business entities e.g. Banks, Hotels etc) while she also change her job.
Sometimes in June, during one my journeys to her pleasure island, I noticed a blister on her right Tip and she said i should not navigate to the area, I don’t even bother to ask what happened to her. After that day, I discovered the blister refuses to heal up and I was worried. My mind said someone is exploring that arena but I don’t want to believe those thoughts. One weekend in July, while checking music CD in her shelf, I stumbled on a HIV medical test result, pack of accurate (urine pregnancy test), though the result was negative but I was very disturbed, scared and worried. I asked her what was the motive behind the test and what is she doing with more that a dozen of test kit, she mumbling some excuses like “I sell those test kit to people who are ashamed to get them in pharmacy store etc.
I confided in my friend who said I should go for a test which I did and was negative.
I became very restless at work because I’m really into this lady. With no proof or anything to justify her wayward life, I took her phone and activated “automatic call record”. I activated the call record on Sunday, I stylishly sent the recorded conversation to my phone last night (Wednesday) when I visited her because she’s on a night shift, as I type, I’m heartbroken, the very first conversation I listened to open the lid of canker-worm, I’ve been dating/sleeping a prostitute since the last 10 months, the sad part is that I don’t know how one of his customer knew about me because in two separate conversation, they made jest of me and most likely another man is with her at work as you read this.
I feel so weak……
Please what should I do comment
See photo of Basketmouth's pretty kids
Ace comedian Basketmouth has two children with his wife, Elsie, Jason and Janelle. He also has another daughter named Amy with an ex. He took to IG yesterday Jan. 1st to share his first photo of Amy (pictured right) on social media. Basketmouth makes beautiful babies.
Also see!!! Secret revealed!!! Why women cheat!!!
Read my story!! My my wife-to-be is a lesbian.
Dear Readers,
I met her in a church program in December last year. I proposed to her in January and she accepted. my life in the past 4 months with her has been a dream come true. I showed her off to family and friends at will even in facebook. We even attended a leadership training program for two weeks where we birthed a business dream we shall go into as a family. In fact there was no doubt she was in love with me. I spent on her within my capacity without feeling regret. giving to her was a delight. Everything was perfect until the phone call….
I was on a lunch date with her during a break from d office when a call came through her phone. Usually I dont pokenose into her calls or chats. she doesnt like it.
however, something was different about this particular call. I noticed she was uneasy and was kind of trying to pacify the caller with some excuses why she didnt pick his/her call ealier. I got more curios and demanded to know who called. she said it a nobody. I insisted in knowing who she was pleading with.
finally she spoke. my whole world came crashing before me. I was speechless for some time trying to understand the words I heard from a lady I have given my heart to.
she told me the call was a bolt from her past. that she has been looking for how to tell me about it. “I was into women untill three years ago. the guy who called has my pics and is threatening to publish them online to punish me. he wants to link me up to a rich woman but I told him I dont want so he is threatening to deal with me”.
I was lost for words. was ds my lady? I was confused. I demanded to speak to d guy myself. she refused. I wanted to explode then she gave me d number. I called d guy and introduced myself and inquired of d guy if what my woman said was true. at ds point d guy flared up calling my woman unprintable words. he angrily told me that my woman came to him long ago and asked him to hook her up with a rich woman. that he wants to punish her for being a lesbian. blah blah blah……so many revelations I cant say her for respect to my woman.
well, the lunch date was ruined already. I coolly but sternly asked her to go home from the restaurant. I was boiling inside. she followed me back to my office. I turned to see her following and wanted to blow up when she calmly said ” emmanuel, just know that all ds things happened in the past. am not proud of it but I hv moved on. I came to tell u about it today before d call came in”. with that she turned and left. ofcourse d rest of the day wad spoiled for me.
for days I didnt call her. she wud call and end the call when I wouldnt talk much. I was still in shock. d best friend called and pleaded. she said my woman hadnt left her room for days. always crying non stop.
I still love her. I called d guy later and he claimed he was just playing around. dat the pictures he claimed to hv hv long been lost. dat I shud not leave my woman becos of that. that what he did dat morning was to check if my woman was still in that game. I didnt believe him.
anyway I tried to move on with my woman. though I must admit that things are not d way it used to be. I hv lost d enthusiasm.
I was watching man u match this afternoon when my phone rang. it was the same guy. I asked him why he called. he said called to know why am not talking to my woman. I got angry andtold him to stay clear of my life. I cut the call. he then sent me a message that he would like t send me a link to a website so I would get to know whovmy woman truely is.
I called my girl and warned her to ask her friend to leave me alone.
I want to break up from her. pls is ds the right thing to do?
pls I typed this with a phone to pardon some of my errors.
See pics!!! nyash opening!!! As single mother exposes man bugging her for SEX
A young beautiful woman has shown that there is still some functional conscience still left out there amongs young single women. The rare kinda lady with handle @electricfyme, went on an early morning Instagram testimony and nyash opening regarding a married man using handle @hipnotikfuncity, who’s been stalking and tormenting her for two years.
She claims she doesn’t know how the guy got her mobile number. But he’s been calling and bugging her for a long while.
Read her rant below…+ photos below
“Can someone please tell this idiot to stop calling my line with private number and then he’ll put the speaker on a porno he’s watching. He has a family but my son hasn’t slept well for almost 2yrs bcos of this rubbish act. .
“I don’t know how he got my number but from the first time he started , he was using his number, I’d call back, he won’t pick, then he’ll call again, wanking and moaning for me, I’d be mad, who’s this, I’d send messages, call back all to no avail till recently God sent the people that invented TRUECALLER, I found out his name.
“I confronted him, thought it’d stop, but he continued with private number, everyday I wake up to see 45 missed calls from private number, he calls 2am 3am, there was one my 2yrs old son picked around 3am cos I was sleeping and d phone had been disturbing him.
“I was just hearing porno sounds in my dream cos my baby can put phone calls on speaker, that’s how we tot him so he can talk to his grandmother, I woke up and saw my son seriously listening to d moanings and slammings, say “eyo eyo”.
“This guy has a daughter and I’m sure she sleeps well at nite, why won’t he leave me and my son to sleep well, I’ve been enduring for almost 2yrs thinking and praying he’ll grow up but now I’m sure someone cursed his mother when she was pregnant with him, @hipnotikfuncity this is just the beginning, it’s PAYBACK TIME!!!…… some ppl feel it was his mother dt cursed someone n d thing now backfired. Woteva d case may b, an age long curse mst definitely b involved.”
Secret revealed!!! Why women cheat!!!
If you are a married man or you are in a serious relationship please kindly borrow me 3 to 4 Min of your Time.
In The Next Few seconds, This Article will open you eyes to a secret never told to men Secrets on why women Cheat in Relationships and how you can prevent your woman from cheating on you.
This Article will Open your Eyes to the psychological reasoning of women when it comes to bedroom matters..
You see, Women are one of the most secretive creature on Earth
They are so secretive to the extent that if a woman is “having affair with your best friend you will not know! And you will never know until you wise up.
They can hide things away for too long until the nemeses caught up with them...
So Why Do Women Cheat? You Might Want to Ask..
Listen Up man, women cheat for so many reasons ranging from the way you treat her, to how you handle her in the bedroom if you give her a very little attention, expect her to cheat on you!
If she feels you are not serious with her or you maltreat her she might even run away!
But however the above reasons are not even the MAIN reason why most woman to cheat!
So what is the MAJOR reason why Naija Woman Cheat?
So Many Naija women cheat on their husband because over 40 Million Naija Men are 2 Mins Man & have small Blokos. Surprise?
Its Not All About Money, Its Not All About home many times you took her to shoprite or how often you call her on phone
“Are You a 2 Mins Man With a Tiny Blokos?”
You might want to ignore it but the fact still remains that if you are a 2 mins man i.e you can’t last for more than 2 mins during bed action and you have a tiny and almost invisible blokos which means you can’t drill your wifey to the core & make her speak in tongues, You are on a long Thing....
See, if you can't do just that, there is every possibility that your woman is cheating on you right now with your close friend or is planning to cheat on you!
See!! Picture as abuja airport closes down.
The Minister of State, Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, will on Thursday engage the Industry’s Stakeholders on issues arising from the proposed closure of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, for repairs on its runway.
Sirika disclosed this in a statement issued by Mr James Odaudu, Deputy Director, Press and Public Affairs, Ministry of Transportation on Monday in Abuja.
Abuja Airport To Be Closed For 6 Weeks From February 2017
He said the meeting was a follow-up to the decision of the Federal Government to temporarily shut down operations at the airport for six weeks in February and March.
According to the minister, the Stakeholders’ Forum will afford him with the opportunity to officially inform the sector’s players of the decision.
“It is also to brief them on efforts being made to ensure that the use of the Kaduna International Airport as an alternative during the six-Week closure of the Abuja Airport is seamless and hitch-free.
“The Stakeholders will also be expected to make their contributions and key into the plans to make their operations during the period less problematic,” he said.
Sirika, however, emphasised that the Forum was in line with government’s belief in ventilating people’s opinions in formulating and executing policies.
He said that government was aware of the likely high level of discomfort and inconvenience the proposed closure of the airport would cause air transport passengers, airline operators and other service providers.
He explained that the decision was informed by safety and security concerns, saying that government would rather lose billions of dollars in revenue than to risk lives.
The minister also disclosed that the ministry would invite other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as security agencies and the Kaduna State Government who were expected to play roles during the six-week period.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that the minister had in December revealed government plans to shut down the airport while briefing newsmen on its efforts toward addressing the challenges of aviation fuel.
See!!! How this man turned keke (tricycle) into a Helicopter
A Nigerian Man in Warri has been reported to have reconstructed his tricycle (‘Keke Napep’) turning it into some thing like a helicopter. The reconstructed tricycle looks very much like a helicopter but has no spinning, wings or blades to fly.
See another pics below….
See!!! Pastor who invested and lost his church's money
A popular pastor and founder of the Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) Mathew Ashimolowo has debunked rumours circulating in the media that he lost $5million to a Ponzi scheme in the United Kingdom. According to the popular pastor, he did not make any decision to invest the church money in any capacity because he is not a member of the trustee.
Ashimolowo in a press release signed by Dipo Oluyomi and James McGlashan did not deny that such investment took place; he however claimed that the decision to invest the church’s money was not his.
Recall that Pastor Ashimolowo’s KICC was recently alleged to have invested $4.8million in a ponzi scheme owned by a former football Richard Rufus, who has now been declared bankrupt and also convicted of defrauding the church and others
Read the full statement below
“The attention of Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo and KICC has been drawn to publication in the media with the headline: “Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo loses $5million to Ponzi Scheme.”
“We wish to state that the headline was unfortunate and misleading and has caused damage to the reputation of Pastor Ashimolowo. The sensational headline suggests that Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo lost $5million when INFACT HE DID NOT and did not make the decision to invest.
“Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo is the Senior Pastor of KICC and not her trustee and has never been a trustee of KICC.
“As you are aware from the Charities Commission’s report, the decision to invest was solely that of the U.K trustees without any involvement of Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo. Importantly as the report states, it is the trustees who have the responsibility for investing Charity Funds and NOT PASTOR MATTHEW ASHIMOLOWO.
“The investment referred to were made by former trustees on behalf of the Charity over SEVEN AND HALF YEARS AGO. They believed they were acting in the best interest of the Charity and they did not and have not benefited personally.
“Their actions were totally independent and were not influenced in any way by Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo.
“Now that we have appraised the publisher(s) and author(s) of the report of these facts, we strongly encourage you to set the record straight by publishing this rejoinder immediately.
“KICC is a Charity whose main aim is to advance the Christian religion in the U.K. and around the world as well as provide local communities with a great deal of counseling and support, including educational, bereavement and prayer support.
“Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo preaches around the world on behalf of KICC, spreading the word, touching lives both home and abroad, raising Champions and the profile of KICC.”
Thank you.