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Tuesday 3 January 2017

Click to see!!! 8 interesting facts about MR EAZI the winner of Headies most controversial award – Next Rated 2016;

Oluwatosin Oluwole Ajibade known professionally as Mr Eazi is a Nigerian Afrobeat singer based in Ghana since 2007.
An internationally performing artist signed to Wizkid’s StarBoy Worldwide label, Mr Eazi has collaborated with famous names in the Ghanaian music industry, such as Sarkodie, Efya, and Pappy Kojo.
We presents you with 8 interesting facts about the winner of Headies most controversial award – Next Rated 2016;
Mr Eazi was born on July 17th in Port hacourt, Nigeria.
His primary and secondary education were in Lagos before he moved to Ghana.
He has a masters degree in Mechanical engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology.
Mr Eazi lived in Ashanti in Ghana and once traded gold in small scale.
Mr Eazi is a huge fan of D’banj.
He was an event promoter.
He is known for his signature Fulani hat -he always has it on or around his neck.
Mr Eazi’s Ghanaian name is Kofi.

Wow see photos!!! of Funke Akindele's new House

24 hours ago, Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele and her hubby, JJC held a talk of the town house warming party in Lagos. The new couple had just moved into a new home in the Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos and invited friends and colleagues to party with them.
However , not a lot is known about the new home of one of Nollywood’ s finest So we did a little digging and here are the FACTS !!!
Funke’ s new home is located inside Amen Estate , Ibeju Lekki, Lagos Amen Estate is a vast area of land owned by Lagos businessman and politician , Babatunde Gbadamosi Funke’ s new home Is called ‘Afin ’ according to the architectural design It ’ s a 7 bed detached mansion that features airy terraces and casement windows.
The home boasts of the finest porcelain and granite floor tiles , elegant POP ceilings , fully fitted kitchen with granite worktops , fitted wardrobes, jacuzzi steam bath with shower in the elegant master bedroom bath, and various other luxuries .

The house boasts of:
7 en- suite bedrooms
5 receptions / lounges
7 .5 bathrooms
4 balconies / terraces
2 Room Self contained BQ


A Neighbor Has a Problem What would you do? I’d moved into the neighborhood about a year ago and had one of the two houses at the end of the cul-de-sac. I’d met the guy next door about a month later and we hit it off. I’m single and he’s married, but we both had similar interests… repairing our own cars, wood working, watching sports and we were both in the technical field. His expertise
was computers and mine is machine control… two geeks. He’d come over and we’d work on one thing or another… my tools were better than his and his entertainment system was better. After a few weeks he’d invited me over to watch a Saturday game and I met his wife. I’d seen her before and we’d waved but I hadn’t known her name and never been introduced. They were a happy couple with no kids. We were all within a few years of each other in age… but where he and I fooled ourselves into thinking we were still physically fit… she was. I mean she had put on a few pounds… judging by photos I saw in the house… but they were all in the right places. With no kids to support she didn’t work… although I suspected that she’d rather have been working than house-sitting. I mean she kept herself busy… volunteering and maintaining the house… and yard… but contact with people was more or less limited to the people she volunteered with or for. She was about five foot four and was still very beautiful. When we watched the games she would both sit with us… and occupy her hands with something… or she’d find something else in the house to do. She followed his sports so that she could talk about them easily enough… and knew the stats better than he did. Occasionally she’d actually get wrapped up in a game or a race and be rooting for her favorite. I’m a strange guy… I don’t believe in encroachment. I mean I’d never try to get serious with a friend’s wife or girlfriend… or make a pass at them. There are enough ladies in the world that I can always find one if I need to. I’m not handsome… or alluring at all… but I don’t have trouble… except perhaps in finding the ‘right one’. There I seem to have failed miserably. Even so… I’m reasonably happy… and have my share of my most favorite sport… sex. Sex has always been number one with me… and I mean if they ever find a way to judge you by what goes through and passes into your mind… I’ll be arrested and confined away from civilization. My libido is too high… my sex drive too geared up… my thoughts too wild. Case in point? If I were given a chance… and didn’t purposely restrain myself… set limits I won’t cross… I’d have propositioned my neighbor in a heartbeat. She was truly one of a kind. I’d have deliberately spent all of my time spying on her… trying to catch an image of her… a nude or partially nude image. But I hadn’t… well… almost hadn’t. There were a couple of instances… but except for maybe one… they weren’t planned. He’d invited me over one Saturday morning… and apparently she’d been busy elsewhere and lost track of the time or something. Anyway when I knocked on the door he hollered for me to come in and make myself home while he had to run into the garage for a minute. As I came into the living room… I heard him going out the inside door to the garage. I started walking toward the sofa… passing the main hallway to the bedrooms… when I heard a noise and turned. At the end of the hallway was the master bedroom and the door was opened. I heard her singing softly to herself… and then she walked to a closet on the opposite wall. She was totally nude… and I mean every thought I’d had of her beauty was satisfied… she was statuesque… truly perfectly proportioned with ample breasts that were self-supporting and the most beautiful ass I’d seen in a few years. She reached into the closet for a moment and then kneeled to do something… probably pick up a pair of shoes. Her cheeks spread as she kneeled and then she turned just enough sideways that I could see a breast in profile. When she stood again… the muscles in her trim thighs and long calves rippled in the morning sunlight. She stood and walked at a very slight angle into the bathroom at the side… and suddenly I realized that I had been spying… and only her disappearance had brought me from the reverie. I noticed that my pants had grown tight and I adjusted myself and walked to the sofa. Needless to say… my mind that morning wasn’t on the game. He came back a few moments later, turned on the game and seated himself in his favorite recliner. She came in minutes after and brought chips and dip, something to drink and wore a sleeveless flowered sundress. She took the space at the opposite end of the sofa… and her hair was just slightly damp. Half-way through the game her hem had slid up… she was sideways on the sofa and I caught a glimpse of her… she was nude under the bottom of that sundress. We’d said hello… and she never knew. Our backyards are surrounded and separated by high wooden fences and gates. Our garages are on opposite sides of the houses and so my kitchen looks out over their backyard and is high enough that I can see all but a small part of their yard… the part between their garage and one of their bedrooms. That spot is slightly recessed between them and not visible. I’d taken a day off from work and intended doing some catch up at home. About ten that morning it had grown warm and I shoved the stuff aside and decided to clean up the kitchen… especially the dirty dishes. I always rinse dishes and stack them in the dishwasher… but I only hit the button about twice a week. I was just getting ready to hit that button when I heard a noise next door. I stood to the side and glanced out. She was just coming out the door in that sundress… completely unbuttoned and wearing nothing beneath. She was carrying two towels and a small bottle of lotion. It didn’t take my Sherlock Holmes’ brain to figure out what she was going to do. I watched as she walked down the steps and then abruptly disappeared into the recess around the back wall. Darn! I thought. But then I remembered… that fence is solid wood… except for one knothole… halfway back. I’d thought of plugging that hole many times… and now I was glad that I hadn’t. It wasn’t large but it was adequate. I made my way down my own steps… quietly… and walked to that hole… and peered. She was nude and applying lotion. She was still standing and I watched her skin glisten in the sun… and then I watched her hands applying the lotion. Each breast and nipple… her shoulders and neck… her face and arms… her tummy… and then she surprised me as her hands slid between her legs… oiling… but more. I watched her pleasure herself for long moments… and then slowly continue to apply the lotion to her ass… between her cheeks… and the full length of each delicious leg. She was standing and turned each time as if she knew I was there… although she didn’t. I had a full view of everything as she turned and continued. Finally she sat on the Chaise… her legs extended in front of her… and she began again. I really felt like a peeping Tom… and I was… but I couldn’t help myself as I recalled that Saturday morning before the game. She was a goddess in the sunlight… and I watched her climax and then she lay on top of that white towel and spread her knees and spent many minutes with ecstasy written on her face. It was the first time I’d seen a lady masturbate… but it was beautifully sensual… and I’d watch again and again… especially her. There was a noise on the street and she heard it and sat up. She listened and then walked naked to the gate and peered through the slot at the edge of the gate. Maybe she was afraid I’d come home while she was out there, but apparently satisfied she returned and resumed. I heard her now… three different times she got vocal… and it was music to my ears. Finally she relaxed and set a timer and laid back in the sun. I’d watched and wanted to masturbate myself… but held off. Slowly I walked back to my kitchen and entered silently. Sometime later he was over and we were working on his car when he commented that she frequently ran around the house nude… that he’d tried to break her of the habit for years… but she enjoyed it. I told you that I have a strong libido… so you can guess where that bit of information disappeared to. I want you to understand… none of what I’ve told you was purposeful… or intentional. She was always a proper lady in every regard… and never once flirted with me. I was hyper observant after that first incident, and I’d have given a testicle to have seen her walking nude or partially nude through her home… or see her sunbathing again. But it hadn’t happened… but now… the rest of the story. I really meant it when I said they were happily married… I thought so then… and do now. However things have changed. He and I usually arrived home at about the same time every afternoon. But as I’d told you… our garages are on opposite sides of our houses. I’d arrived a few minutes early on this particular afternoon and as I passed… I noticed his car wasn’t there. I busied myself around the place for an hour and figured that he was home by then so I walked next door and knocked. She hollered out asking who was there… I answered and she told me the door was unlocked and for me to come on in. I went in and looked around… and asked where he was… she said that she was in the kitchen and to come on out. I walked slowly to the kitchen and still didn’t see him… maybe he was in the garage. When I got to the kitchen she was busy at the sink and without turning she told me to sit down. I did and then asked if he was in the garage. She told me slowly that he wasn’t here… that he’d been called out of town this morning and would be gone for the weekend. I felt self-conscious and said I was sorry that he had to be gone… and that I hadn’t meant to bother her. I stood and was about to leave when she turned around. She’d been crying and there were still tears in her eyes. She asked me not to go… to stay and talk for awhile. I asked if she was sure and she said yes… and took a seat at the other end of the table. She rubbed her eyes… and I asked what was wrong. She said that she knew we talked and I shook my head. She asked if we ‘really’ talked and I asked what she meant. It was difficult but then she explained that women always talk about ‘personal’ things… about home life… and love. Then she asked if we ever talked like that. I felt a bit self-conscious but smiled and said that we never did. She started crying again and said “I’d hoped…” I leaned closer and asked “Hoped what?” And now the tears really flowed and she told me that he’d had an affair a few years ago… and she hadn’t known about it… but his sex drive had dropped during that the time… and he’d never wanted sex. It went on she said for over a year… and then finally she’d confronted him when she found a card in his jacket. It was a nice thank you card from a lady… thanking him for the previous afternoon. The gal had slipped it into his jacket without his knowing. When she found it she was devastated and insisted on knowing what was going on. Eventually he’d told her… broke off the affair and promised never to do anything like it again. At this point I was incredulous… she was so perfect… and so vibrant… and so interested sexually… as I recalled from that morning. She was crying now… and said that things seemed normal for the last few years… but in the last few months their sex life had zeroed out. Their Anniversary was this weekend and he wasn’t even going to be here… and she knew that he’d forgotten it. I got up… walked over and tried to console her… finally I dropped to my knees on the floor in front of her and tried to assure her that I felt he wasn’t cheating on her. Between sobs she said that it must be her then… she wasn’t attractive anymore. I put my arm around her and she leaned her face into my shoulder and sobbed as I assured her that she was tremendously attractive… to any man. She replied with a thanks and a comment that I didn’t have to lie. Lie? I assured her that I was in no way lying… she was more than attractive… sexually and every other way. She asked if personally I’d ever thought she was attractive… always I assured her. “Show me?” she asked. I told her that I couldn’t do that… that she’d hate herself tomorrow… that they were friends of mine. She looked at me and cried even harder saying that she knew I was lying… and pushed me away. I held tight and pulled her to me. I kissed her… at first her cheek… but I couldn’t help myself and soon I was at her lips. She resisted for a few moments and then returned my kiss with more passion than I’d ever felt before. I’m sure there are cynics out there that will say I was seduced… and I was… but not intentionally… and not by her… my own desire did it. When finally she pulled away… my hands were on the hem of her dress and I raised it slowly… watching her eyes… and then I glanced down and she was nude beneath… and I spread her thighs and buried my face. I felt her hands in my hair… and then felt her body quiver as I brought my lips in closer and kissed her mons. She was dry… not aroused as I was… as I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her to me. I love giving oral… and love the way it provides foreplay and can stimulate a lady. Her body was beautiful… and I wanted it… more than anything else… and I didn’t care about anything but the two of us. I tasted her… and teased her… and her hands wrapped in my hair and she pulled me hard and close. I heard her cry… and thank me… and then her leg was up… and she’d slid forward to the edge of the seat and turned slightly as I raised her. She was sweet and hot… growing wetter… and in almost no time she’d climaxed and was crying my name… as I moaned and whispered hers. I raised my head from under her skirt and slowly unbuttoned it and then opened the bodice and gazed upon perfection. Her soft tummy and firm young breasts… and her eyes were shining through her tears. I kissed each nipple and devoured her breasts. I laid my cheek against her tummy and just held her. Finally I pulled her onto the floor with me… onto a kitchen rug… and opened my jeans… and took her there. It was perfect… she was perfect… responsive to everything… participating… helping… talking… urgent… and even as we climaxed… I was looking forward to the very next climax. Her voice rang in my ears… and then I heard her whisper my name… and then shout it as she climaxed. I had no doubt that she’d been without sex for months… the two of us were an even match… each of us trying to wear the other out… and losing. After awhile I helped her close the house and then we went out the back door and over to my place. She brought her cell-phone in case hubby called… but she said he wouldn’t. Once at my place… we were naked… and I had the woman around my house that I’d always wanted… a gal that loved me… and sex… and nudity. We made love in every part of the house… in some areas twice… and it wasn’t just vanilla sex… although I’d have settled. We enjoyed fantasies that we’d only dreamed of… and it was all good. We spent two nights together and every daylight hour. All of the time… not only was her body perfect… but she’d begun to realize that it wasn’t her… and I was grateful for that. Before he was due back we’d made plans. She was his wife… and would remain that way… and remain faithful until she couldn’t take more… and then she’d signal me… and I’d fix things… until next time. If he wanted sex… she would yield and provide what he wanted… first… he would come first. The three of us were great friends… and remain that way… and we’re all happy. By the way… a trip to the doctor and some tests and they found his problem… it wasn’t infidelity this time… but they couldn’t fix… only slightly reduce the problem. Now her esteem is back and she’s more beautiful than ever.

Act of wickedness!!! Couple poisoned by husband’s brother in Liberia Photo

According to Nigerian social worker based in New York City, Aremo Ariola who posted the sad incident on his Facebook page, the couple who were based in Minnesota, had been sending money home for the brother to build them a house but when they got home for the Christmas, they realized that the brother had embezzled the money with nothing to show for they huge amount they had been sending home.
The incident was said to have generated a lot of bad blood between the man and his brother which had to be settled by other family members.
Thinking the issue had been solved, the couple settled down to enjoy the celebrations not knowing the man’s brother had another plan for them as he prepared food laced with poison and served the man and his wife.
After eating the meal, the couple was found dead the next day on their bed.
This is what Oriola posted on his wall: “I just got this… someone who knows the wife personally just inboxed me to confirm the story. According to him, they were Liberians based in Minnesota.
The couple went home for Christmas. They had been sending monies home for the husband’s brother to build them houses. ‘
While at home this Christmas, this brother cooked food and sent over to his brother and wife. They died after eating the food.”
It was also gathered that the food the couple ate the night before their deaths had been taken to a hospital for tests and the results showed it was poisoned.


Become a millionaire before 40: There is no harm in having an early start in life. Most of those who are millionaires and billionaires in the society today did not stumble on wealth.
If you are keen on making and having a seven-figure number before the age of 40, then there are some tips you need to follow. These tips have been discovered to be useful as they come from people who have made it big in life.
Since you do not have anything to lose in trying out these things, then you can make use of them and see how different your life would be afterwards.
Check out some of the things you need to do if you want to have an early start in life and be a millionaire before the age of 40:

1. Learn how to save and make investment
It does not matter how old you are, if you are keen on making it in life, then you have to start by learning how to save.
Nothing is too small to be saved; these savings can be kept in secure accounts that you do not have access to. This will help you not to touch the money even when there is an emergency.
Whatever you save should be invested and not placed into another savings account. The best way to tie money down is to invest it into a profitable business that will yield return. If you are working, a part of your salary should be saved every month.
Contribute money towards your retirement so that you are not stranded in any way when you are no longer in active service.

2. Have more than one source of income
The bitter truth is that you will die a poor man if you stick to one source of income. While you have a sustainable means of income, make investments or do businesses that will continue to bring in money from different points.
You cannot afford to make plans based on a source of income; in planning to become a millionaire, you need to start thinking like one. Think and grow rich; it is a must for your ideas to lead to streams of income.
Depending on your net worth, you can own a business venture or be a part owner. Either way, you need a business by the side to bring in money so that you will not get broke. The more streams of income you have, the more financially stable you will be.
3.Concentrate on earning
If you want to be a millionaire, then you have to put your eyes on the prize. Do not take your eyes off the concept of making more money. You have to find means of increasing your income while doing things to double your savings.
Concentrate on earning and do everything possible to make more money. Follow the money and it will help you see opportunities that can yield in more money.
Find high paying jobs you can have by the side, supply services to those who need and you will make more before you know it. It is important for you to read books that will widen your horizon and teach you the basic things you need to know before staring a business.
4. Work on your mentality
If you want to be a controller of millions, then you need to change the way you think. Firstly, you have to believe you can make the money while you go in active pursuit of things that will bring you more money.
Being rich has to do with your thinking; do not join the masses in believing something is impossible. Create goals and make sure they become actualized.
While you are all about becoming a millionaire, you have to invest in your personal development. Read one or two pages of motivational and inspirational books everyday. Listen to the news; let your knowledge of things be vast and you will have ideas pouring in. Have mentors that can set you on the right path.
Do not stick to your field alone. It is essential for you to be an all rounder if you want to be a renowned millionaire. Many of the millionaires in the society are readers. They consume knowledge and make it a must to learn everyday.

5. Move out with like minds
As a millionaire in the making, you have to associate yourself with people that you want to be like. The positive energy they emit and their success stories will push you beyond limits and help you actualize all your dreams.
Move with people who support your dreams and will set you on the right paths. Strive to be with talented people who understand your objectives in life and will help you inspire you with their dreams.
Remember great minds think alike. If you are surrounded with people who shares your vision and understands the importance of making it in life, you will break grounds.
Peradventure you turn out to be a millionaire who is surrounded by shallow thinkers, you stand the chance of losing your net worth and investment. Millionaires’ way of thinking is really different from that of middle class people.

See!!!! List of Best Fifa Men’s Player 2016

Sergio Aguero (Manchester City), Gareth Bale (Real Madrid), Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Kevin De Bruyne (Manchester City), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Manchester United), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona), N’Golo Kante (Chelsea), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich), Riyad Mahrez (Leicester City), Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Neymar (Barcelona), Mesut Ozil (Arsenal), Dimitri Payet (West Ham), Paul Pogba (Manchester United), Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid), Alexis Sanchez (Arsenal), Luis Suarez (Barcelona), Jamie Vardy (Leicester City).

If You Are To Choose A Group, Which One Will You Choose – TripleMG, YBNL, MAVIN Or Star Boy?

Comment!!! Ur answer

Predict Chelsea vs Tottenham Lets see how good you are

Spurs and Chelsea lock for the league 2nd consecutive London derby of the New Year.
Tottenham replicated there match day 18 away result when the visited Watford at the Vicarage road. The North London club enjoyed a 4-1 victory over the Hornets in the previous round to make it 8 goals in 2 away league games. Spurs will be going into this Derby on the back of 4 consecutive league wins and are unbeaten in 9 home games. Finally, Tottenham are 10 points behind their city rivals and current league leaders Chelsea.
Chelsea shake off a big threat posed by Stoke City in their Week 19 clash. The table toppers saw the Potters strike out goals twice during the game before eventually adding two un-replied goals to end the score line at 4-2. The victory ensures Chelsea extend their winning streak in the league to 13 games. The Blues will be also be going into the clash on the back of 5 straight win in their last 5 away games. Antonio Conte’s men are top of the log with 49 points from 19 games, 10 point better than their Wednesday’s host.
Team New
Mauricio Pochettino will have Vertonghen and Walker back for selection; both defenders were missing from the Watford due to one suspension. However, Spurs Argentine forward “Erik Lamela” could still be missing due to illness.
Antonio Conte was the services of Pedro in their last league game with Stoke City. The nifty Spaniard was served a game suspension, but will be in for the blue visit to White Hart Lane. Moreover, John terry will be still be missing for this crucial London derby.
Tottenham: Predicted Starting Line-up (4-2-3-1)
Lloris – Rose, Dier, Vertonghen, Walker – Wanyama, Dembele – Eriksen, Alli, Sissoko – Kane.
Chelsea: Predicted Starting Line-up (3-4-3)
Courtois – Azpilicueta, Luiz, Cahill- Moses, Matic, Kante, Alonso- Pedro, Costa, Hazard.