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Monday 16 January 2017

Read full story!! Pastor arrested for predicting Mugabe of Zambia's death

Police in Zimbabwe have arrested a pastor who prophesied that longtime Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe would die on October 17, 2017. Pastor Patrick Mugzada made the prophecy last week and was arrested today after a court appearance in a separate case for disrespecting Zimbabwe’s flag.
The Pastor, in his predictions for 2017, told his congregation, “God said to me, this coming year 2017 the President is dying and he told me he is dying on the 17th of October. Like I said earlier, I am not happy for somebody to die but, this is something that is going to happen”
The Pastor reportedly informed his contacts of his arrest via a Whatsapp message when he was arrested at the Court house; “Police arrested me right at the door when I was coming out of the court. Right now I am at Harrare Central Police station for the prophecy I gave that the President will die in October”

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