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Monday 19 December 2016

Aidembassy, the new networking platform that gives 70% of your investment.

Welcome to AID EMBASSY!

Have you ever given with the hope of getting back? If yes, you are a businessperson. Aid Embassy explains the help phenomenon in concrete terms. You may wonder how help is successfully exchanged among participants in Aid Embassy. It’s because Aid Embassy has a record; a big one. People would encourage you to give because record of such is in heaven. Aid Embassy has its own records and pays according to records.

Decision has correlation with choice; and choice depends on our likes and dislikes. No one takes a thoughtless and impetuous decision when he knows its consequences, unless that person has tendency towards self-destruction.The choice to live above poverty line is what an astute person considers very important. Aid Embassy offers an unlimited opportunity to live unrestricted life. Does your present earning debar you from taking rank with those with the right to rule their life? How do you even regard those with fleet of cars, gorgeous houses, landed properties? As demi-gods? No way! It’s the decision to give, QED!

Choose between 100% and 70% on donation! Pledge NGN100,000 or above to get 100% on donation! Pledge from NGN10,000 to NGN99,000 to get 70%! ...But why would you wish to hinder yourself?

That is not it all! As an Ambassador, you will get 20% Direct Referral Bonus, plus enticing Multi-Level Manager Bonuses of 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.5% in level 2, 3, 4, and 5 (respectively) of your generation. In Aid Embassy, everyone is a manager.

Have it as a precis:
1.   Register as an Ambassador in the platform;
2.   Login to your personal office to provide help of not less than NGN10,000 (ten thousand naira);
3.   When the order for payment comes, pay as ordered;
4.   Refer another person to the Community to expand your fortune and to promote the Community;
5.  You are done as a Great Ambassador.
You will be amazed that you earn from those you don’t know, just because they fall in your network. This could only happens in Aid Embassy.
NOTE: You must not bring another participant for you to earn your 100% and 70% on donation, if you refer, it will only add to your earnings.

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